Archives: News

Recruiting New Members for the Jan – May Season

PCVC typically recruits for new members once a year in September.  This year we anticipate several positions being open for both male and female candidates so that we can take on new members for the Jan-May season.

If you are not a member and interested in applying for membership please email for additional details.

If the PCVC Executive is not already familiar with you volleyball skills, you should sign up to play in our January Sixes tournament so that the PCVC Executive can have a chance to evaluate your skills and ensure you are a fit for the league.  

For more details on the league, please see our FAQs.

Mid-year General Meeting (MGM) – Nov 22nd

22 Nov 2018
10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Chuck's Roadhouse Bar & Grill

Status: Open

Event Type: Meeting

We will be holding our Mid-year General Meeting (MGM) on November 22nd at the Erin Mills Pump. This is your opportunity to have a say in how the league is run, so it is important we have your attendance and participation. The MGM will also be incentive night. Please head to the bar immediately after game play as we would like to start the meeting as early as possible.


  1. Financial Update
  2. Proposals
    1. Reinstate Reffing during Regular Season
    2. Consistency on Use of Refs in Playoffs and Regular Season
  3. League Updates

No Games on Oct 18th

Due to permit cancellations at both St Paul and Iona there will be no games on October 18th.

PCVC Week 4 Updates – Schedule Change

There are some important updates in this email including schedule changes. Please read the email in its entirety to be aware of upcoming changes.

Gym Cancellations

We have had an unusually high number of gym cancellations for both Iona and St Paul this season and as a result have had to adjust the schedule. The schedule has just been updated. Teams # 2,4,5,7,8, and 12 will be off this Thursday (Oct 11th) due to unavailability of St Paul.  We have also had BOTH gyms cancelled for Oct 18th as a result we have no scheduled games next week. Play resumes on Oct 25TH.

Please check the schedule on the website.


Realignment has been completed. Some players have been moved between teams to better balance the competitiveness among teams and to adjust for player drop outs due to injuries. Individuals and teams which have been affected by realignment have been notified by email. To have a look at the updated teams please see the Teams page on the website.


As we have had several players request a leave of absence due to injury or other reasons, I wanted to clarify the use of substitute players on a team:

1.      The team has the option of requesting a sub in lieu of a player off for 3 or more weeks on leave of absence. The request must come from the team rep on behalf of the team.  The exec will not provide a sub unless requested by the team rep. The exec will on a best effort basis try and find a sub of equivalent skill to the player being replaced.

2.      As a replacement for the player on leave, the sub is a full member of the team until the original player returns. The sub is entitled and expected to play at all games they are able, just as the original player would have.

3.      Team are not allowed to arrange their own subs. If you have a potential sub, please contact the membership secretary, Matt ( and he can add that individual to the sub list.

4.      If a sub isn’t working out, the team rep should let the exec know immediately after the first night of the subs play on the team.


Sponsor Bar

For the first several weeks some of you who came to the sponsor bar, the Erin Mills Pump, may have noticed that PCVC members were not offered the 79 cent wing special we had last year. The good news is that, thanks to Simon Kwan, 79 cent wings are back. A big thank you to Simon for negotiating this back for us.


The October 20th Sixes tournament is currently wait listing both men and women. If there is sufficient interest an additional team will be added, so if you are interested, please email

The November 3rd Reverse Pairs tournament is open for registration. Information on registration can be found here.

More information and registration links can be found on our Tournament page on the website.


Incentive Night

Next October 25th , is our next incentive night.  Come to the sponsor bar, the Erin Mills Pump, to meet your fellow members and enjoy a drink on the club.

PCVC League Updates – Oct 2nd, 2018

We are now approaching week 3 of our season. Please be aware of the following upcoming events and updates: 

Substitute Players

We have had several players who are currently on leave of absence or have requested a leave of absence for an upcoming period. For those players on leave, the team has the option to request a substitute player of similar skill. The exec needs help from the membership to help build a list of qualified players. Currently we have a very sparse list of potential substitutes. If you know potential players who would be willing to act as occasional substitutes please let us know or have them email

Team Reps

Thank you to those members who have volunteered to be team reps. For those teams who didn’t submit a name for team rep, one member has been nominated to be team rep. The list of team reps is posted here.  If there are issues that concern the entire team they should be brought forward to the exec through the team rep.


Realignment is the process by which the exec will move a few players between teams to ensure that teams are balanced for the rest of the season. Realignment will occur after this Thursday. Any players affected will be notified directly as will the team rep on the affected team.


We have two upcoming tournaments. Our first Sixes tournament for the season is on October 20th and has room for men and currently we are wait-listing women.  Even though we are wait-listing women, any women interested in playing please email as there is a high likelihood that there will be available spots.

Our first Pairs tournament is November 3rd.  It is open for registration.

Both tournaments are open to members as well as non-members. For further information or to register please see details on our tournament page.

Incentive Night

For those of you who missed our first incentive night at Meet-and-greet, our next incentive night is Thursday, October 25th.  Come to the sponsor bar, the Erin Mills Pump, to meet your fellow members and enjoy a drink on the club.

PCVC League Updates – Sept 14th, 2018

League Play
Play kicks-off on this Thursday, Sept 20th.  The rosters are now posted as is the schedule.  Each team has been assigned a designated setter. Please check this page if you are unsure who the designated setter is on your team. For league play the gyms remain the same as last year, Iona and St Paul.  Please be there no later than 7:15 PM so that games can start promptly at 7:20 PM.
For this upcoming Thursday, the team doing setup is Team 3 (Iona) and Team 9 (St Paul). If you are on one of those teams, please be there at 7PM to do the setup so that we can start on time.  Doing teardown will be Team 6 and Team 12.  For each week the setup/teardown teams are marked on the schedule.
Within the first two weeks of play please:
a.      Choose a Team Name
b.      Choose a Team Rep
The Team Rep will be the connection point for the exec on matters related to your team. If you cannot agree on a Team Name or Rep, the executive will be happy to select a name or nominate a rep for you.

PCVC Attendance Policy
PCVC considers maintaining satisfactory attendance a fundamental requirement for each member.  The rules and policy for attendance remains the same as last year. In short:
·        A Member is allowed up to 4 Absences for the season. Exceeding the allowable limit of absences can mean loss of eligibility for playoffs or even membership termination.
·        After multiple absences, a member is sent a warning notification.
·        A member may request a “leave of absence” from play, provided it done in advance, for a valid reason, and for a minimum of 3 consecutive weeks.  While on a leave of absence, the members absences are not counted against them.
More details are posted here: Attendance Policy

Player Conduct
PCVC has adopted a Code of Conduct and Ethics.  Please read and be familiar with the policy. Behavior contrary to the policy can lead to disciplinary action or even membership termination for offenders. While I understand that nature of sports is to bring out our competitive spirit, the onus is on each of us as adults to not let competitiveness or frustration take control of our individual behavior. Here are some examples of behavior which is not acceptable:
·        Swearing or other abusive language at other players whether on the same team or another team.
·        Physical altercations of any kind.
·        Extended arguments with officiating or line judges.
·        On-court tantrums whether verbal or in action
Players are strongly advised to not give playing advice to others unless they are certain that advice would be welcome.  If any member witnesses behavior contrary to the code of conduct, please report it in writing by emailing exec@pcvc.a or using our feedback form on the website.

New Website
At the end of last season we retired the previous PCVC website and have adopted an updated, mobile-friendly website.  To ease the transition for users of the website the layout has been kept similar to the previous site. In addition to email distribution, the website will be the central source of league updates and events.  Any feedback on the website is always welcome.

The signup process for PCVC tournaments will remain the same as last year. For members to confirm a spot in a tournament they should simply make payment in accordance with the instructions on the tournament page for that tournament.
We have adopted some changes to the tournament cost as follow:

  1. We have eliminated the differentiated cost (early-bird & regular) and now will only have a single price for tournaments. For sixes tournaments that price will remain at $25/per player and for pairs tournaments it will remain $40/per pair.
  2. Only for those players who choose to pay by Paypal or Credit Card, consistent with the pricing for other events and membership, an additional fee will be levied to cover the cost of online payment processing.   That fee is adds $1/person to the tournament cost.

The tournament schedule for the year has been posted on the tournaments page of the website.

Our October Sixes tournament is open and is accepting registrations now. If you plan to play sign-up early.

Not getting email from PCVC?

PCVC periodically sends out league updates by email to both PCVC members and the PCVC volleyball community.  PCVC members sign up for email as part of registration.   More recently some recipients have reported that they have not received email notifications and updates from PCVC.  Please check your “Junk Mail” folders and see if the emails have been placed there.  If so please mark them as “Not Junk” to let the system know that these emails should not be filtered in future., Hotmail, Gmail and others have put aggressive filters in place to filter out spam, however sometimes those filters also block PCVC emails and updates.

Meet-And-Greet Sept 12th, 2019

12 Sep 2019
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Chuck's Roadhouse Bar & Grill

Status: Open

Event Type: Social Event

PCVC will be hosting a Meet-And-Greet on September 12th, 2019 to kick of the Fall season. Welcome returning members and meet new members and find out the teams for the fall season. This will also be our first incentive night of the season. Members will be entitled to a free drink courtesy of the league. In addition appetizers will be served.

Click this link to confirm.


Seeking new members for 2018-2019

22 Aug 2018
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Burnhamthorpe Community Centre

Status: Open

Event Type: Other

The Port Credit Volleyball Club (PCVC) is recruiting new members for the 2018-2019 season who have the skills necessary to play semi-competitive volleyball. The PCVC is both a sport and social club, members are encouraged to participate in social activities in addition to playing in the volleyball league and tournaments.

PCVC requires that new prospective members demonstrate the required skills to play at a semi-competitive level. To establish that a new member meets that qualification, a candidate must either:

  1. Demonstrate their skill level at our tryout session.
  2. Be a past-PCVC member or player whose skills were witnessed by an executive member within the previous calendar year.
  3. Have played in previous PCVC tournaments and whose skills were witnessed by an executive member within the previous calendar year.

To Register for tryouts please click the following link:

Register for PCVC 2018 Tryouts

Participants should come appropriately dressed to play and prepared to participate in drills to demonstrate their volleyball skills. A video of previous tryouts is posted at: Info Report #146 (PCVC Tryouts)

Past members and tournament players who wish to be considered for membership without attending tryouts are asked to contact our Membership Secretary.

If you have any questions, please contact the Membership Secretary at (